
Project: SDG Showcase

GreenHub - The central point for sustainability knowledge and initiatives at the University of Twente

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Showcasing sustainable research at the UT

To make informed decisions, it's essential to determine whether we're relatively more or less active, specialized, or focused on a particular SDG, and whether our impact is bigger or smaller as an institution. Unfortunately, the UT Research Information (PURE) system doesn't provide a clear SDG-profile or demonstrate our level of activity compared to other 4TU institutions. To address this, Green Hub Twente has launched a Sustainable Development Goals exhibition to encourage researchers link their work to the relevant SDGs and raise awareness among themselves and students about the importance of sustainable development goals.  Thus, Green Hub Twente will showcase University of Twente's research in sustainability by linking them to relevant SDGs. The showcase aims to potray the importance of linking your research to SGDs, so University of Twente's contribution to sustainability can be recognized.  You can click here to fill in the survey to help us know what you think about linking SDGs with research!


Project - UT Sustainability Transformation
Project - Think Tank
Project - Waste Segregation
Project - Green Talks
Project - Sustainability Series
Project - Sustainability Week